What the Church Fathers Had to Say About Easter

The greatest Bible scholars and theologians in church history have used this day to ponder the wonderful news of Christ’s resurrection. Here are some of the things they reflected on:
Thomas A Kempis
“All the servants of the cross, who during life made themselves one with the Crucified, will draw near with great trust to Christ, the Judge. Why then do you fear to take up the cross when through it you can win a kingdom? In the cross is salvation, in the cross is life, in the cross is protection from enemies, in the cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness, in the cross is strength of mind, in the cross is joy of spirit, in the cross is highest virtue, in the cross is perfect holiness. There is no salvation of soul nor hope of everlasting life but in the cross.”
“He came down, he took upon himself, he endured, he vanquished, he restored. He came down from the throne of God to wretched mortal: he took upon himself mortality; he endured affliction and pain and ignominy; he vanquished death, he restored mankind. Stand still, my soul, and with holy astonishment gaze on the series of wonders, this inestimable complication of mercies; consider the greatness of his love.”
Charles Spurgeon
What an encouragement to know of our Redeemer’s never-ceasing intercession for us! Actially we know very little of how much we owe to our Saviour’s prayers. But once we reach the mountaintops of heaven and look back on the paths the Lord our God has led us, oh, how we will praise him – he who before his Father’s eternal throne thwarted the mischief Satan was doing on earth! Oh, how we will thank him for never keeping his peace, but instead, day and night, pointing to the wound in his hands and carrying our names on his breastplate! Even before Satan had begun to tempt us, Jesus obstructed our enemy’s way and entered a plea in heaven. Mercy outran malice!”
Gregory of Nyssa
“Jesus did not remain in death’s power. The wounds that his body had received from the iron of the nails and spear offered no impediment to his rising again. After his resurrection, he showed himself whenever he wanted to his disciples. When he wished to be present with them, he was in their midst without being seen, needing no entrance through open doors. All these occurrences, and whatever other similar facts we know about his life, require no further argument to show that they are signs of deity and of a sublime and supreme power.”
John Calvin
“We ought to consider, on the one hand, the dreadful weight of God’s wrath against sin, and on the other hand, his infinite goodness toward us. In no other way could our guilt be removed than by the Son of God becoming a curse for us. If God declares that our salvation was so dear to him that he did not spare his only begotten Son, what abundant grace do we here behold! Whoever then takes a just view of the causes of the death of Christ, together with the advantage that it yields to us, will regard it as an invaluable token and pledge of the power, wisdom, righteousness, and goodness of God.”
Matthew Henry
“When the people would have forced our Lord Jesus to a crown, he withdrew, but when they came to force him to a cross, he offered himself. He showed plainly what he could have done; when he struck them down he could have struck them dead, but he would not do so. Christ set us an example of meekness in sufferings. We were bound with the cords of our iniquities, with the yoke of our transgressions. Christ, being made a sin offering for us, to free us from those bonds, himself submitted to be bound for us. To his bonds we owe our liberty; thus the Son makes us free.”
Gregory of Nazianzus
“As a sheep he is led to the slaughter, but he is the Shepherd of Israel and now of the whole world also. As a Lamb he is silent, yet he is the Word and is proclaimed by the voice of one crying in the wilderness. He is bruised and wounded, but he heals every disease and every infirmity. He is lifted up and nailed to the tree, but by the tree of life he restores us, yes, he saves even the robber crucified with him. He died, but he gives life, and by his death he destroys death. He is buried, but he raised again; he goes down into hell, but he brings up the souls; he ascends to heaven and shall come again to judge the living and the dead.”
Content in this article is taken from the Timeless Truths Bible.
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