Pray First, Often, and Always!

Evening and morning and at noon
I will pray, and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice.
Psalm 55:17

While many believers sincerely desire to spend time with God in prayer, few actually do. Spiritual discipline is necessary to make prayer a priority in our lives. God, however, has made prayer a priority—directing his children to pray first, often and always. Therefore, prayer should become a priority for us!

Scripture speaks repeatedly of the importance of prayer. Paul says to pray about everything (Philippians 4:6). Believers should make all requests known to God. In addition, believers are admonished to pray regularly and frequently. David promised the Lord, “Evening, morning and noon I cry out” (Psalm 55:17). Jesus prayed for extended periods of time, especially when making important decisions (Luke 6:12). Certainly when facing challenges or trials, a believer should pray (James 5:13). Paul exhorted the Christians in Thessalonica to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer becomes not only an attitude of the heart but also a continual dialogue with the Lord.

When praying, take time to be still and hear a word from God (Psalm 46:10). The Bible dictates no specific time or place for prayer. However, a believer may find it easier to maintain the priority of prayer when she establishes a definite time and place to pray as part of her daily schedule (Luke 18:1).

Prayer should occupy a place in the heart; it also needs a place in the home. While every believer does not need a prayer closet (Matthew 6:6), all believers should have a place of solitude free from distraction in order to pray in private.

To help make prayer a priority, you may want to use a prayer journal or devotional book or write out a prayer list and revise it often. Share your commitment to prayer with others, both to encourage them and to hold yourself accountable for praying regularly.

Drawn from a Topical Note in The Woman’s Study Bible.

What are your biggest challenges in making prayer a priority?

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