5 Reasons to Color in your Bible

This is the written account of Adam’s family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. Genesis 5:1 NIV
- Coloring offers great stress relief. As you step back from the screens that constantly surround you and spend time coloring you mind can focus on something it enjoys and let go of the stresses of life for a little while.
- Spend time thinking about and meditating on the Scripture(s) you are coloring. As you think about how to visually represent a verse with color you can also think about what it means to you and what the Lord may be saying to you through that verse.
- When you spend time thinking about and coloring a particular passage you may be more likely to remember it.
- Coloring can be an act of worship. Out God is creative, this is clear in the vast array of plants and animals he created. Coloring as you reflect on his Word is a way of using the gift God has given you of being creative which he gave only to humans of all creation. Using your gifts is an act of worship, and our creativity is a gift from God, meaning it can be used as worship.
- Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of your brain helping you engage with the Bible in a way you probably haven’t before as you think with both the rational side of your brain and the creative side.